Blog Journal #9

Covid Learning  

    My distance learning experience was quite bad if I'm going, to be honest. My classes switch to online halfway through my first year of college. I was in a lot of science classes and my professors did not know how to conduct class through Zoom. Most of the class time was spent by the professor trying to figure out how to work any online program they were using for the day. Distance learning made me hate when class time is wasted on technical errors (even though they are to be expected), and I severely disliked that I could understand the material being taught because of these errors. Although, on the bright side, I did like not having to drive to class every day and could easily do my work from my bedroom. It helped me with my work schedule and being able to manage my time in college on my own. If this were to happen in my time, I would make sure I understand the program I am using enough to utilize it to teach. In addition, I would post all the material that we go over in class on our class page, so that students have access to the information if technical problems occur.


    Open educational resources are resources that are open availability to everyone. Open specifically refers that anyone can use the material and information free of charge. I found this little resource about a lesson plan revolving around a one-hundred-word memoir for students:
This resource gives an overview of an activity for English classes about how to create a memoir and a self-evaluation. It is labeled by types of points that involve researching, brainstorming, and composing a memoir. I got this resource off the oercommons website! 

PowerPoint Activity

    The PowerPoint activities were a lot harder than I had anticipated. I thought I knew the application well enough, but it turns out I didn't. I learned how to create a PowerPoint show and how to record each slide. It was quite fun to record and paste the video onto each slide. I liked how easy it is to use the record button and save the presentation. I did not like how complex the system is in regard to finding animations and images, in this case, I prefer google slides, which seems to work easier than PowerPoint. I think if I dedicated more time instead of waiting until the last minute this could have gone smoother. In addition, I could look up resources for myself to use PowerPoint, like YouTube videos or articles. 


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