Blog Journal #7

 Teacher Pages 

After looking through some schools in the Tallahassee area, I found some teacher pages on Sail High School's website. While the website seems out of date (posts are from the COVID-19 quarantine time), the teachers have posted requirements for their different types of classes. For instance, an English teacher named Tony Del Monego linked PDFs that showed information for his English 3 & 4 Honors class and his 9th grade English class syllabus. Another teacher posted her classroom policies and student expectations on her page. In another section, a teacher uploaded pictures of the students participating in organic farming for the parents to see. Most of the pages have different types of information pertaining to the subject they are teaching so that parents and students have access to the information outside of school hours.

Link to the school page:
Link to Tony Del Monego's page:
Link to the art teachers page:

*If you click on the department page, you can choose any of the subject areas where the teacher pages are found*

Productivity and Technology

I feel that when I become a teacher I will want to use quite a few technology techniques. For one, I want to design a teacher website to post announcements, assignments, and other information for students and parent's to easily access. I think this can help get parents involved with their student's learning as well as the student having access to information outside of school hours. I do want to also add social media into my classroom, but utilize it to enhance students' education. I like the idea of using Twitter to answer or ask questions about the class or respond to their classroom. If I am teaching a higher-level English class, I would like to add Blogger into the classroom for daily or weekly diary-type entries. I would also like to have a class GroupMe for students and one for parents. The one for parents can be a direct source where I can contact or answer any questions that parents have about the class, and the student group could be used if students need to contact me outside of school hours and won't get clogged within an E-mail. All of these technology systems, I think can help me get out information easier to parents and students alike, while also creating an avenue for parents and students to reach me outside of the classroom. 

Canvas Use

Working with Canvas for assignment two was quite fun! I got to experience what it was like for a teacher to edit a Canvas page and set up a classroom page. It was really easy to use, but the only experience I had trouble with was if two people from my group were editing the same page, one person's writing would not be saved. I wish that Canvas had an automatic save button that updated the page in real-time. I think I am going to use Canvas in my high school English class as a system to upload assignments and see deadlines. Almost like a calendar but a little more specific. For instance, I want to add extensive assignment details and rubrics to each post and divide the pages into what we are working on each week. It can be a source of resources and information outside of school hours! Also, if the students get confused outside of school, they can use Canvas to answer their questions and concerns regarding assignments and information we would've gone over. 


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