Blog Journal #1

 Little Bit About Me! 

    My name is Lindsey Anderson, and I am studying English at Florida State University. I am hoping to get a minor in Education, which is why I am taking EME2040! This is my last semester at Florida State, and I am hoping to go to graduate school next Fall. There is a specific program at USC that I am interested in, which is a masters in English Education. I am also considering becoming a literary editor or writer as a side job when I teach. 

Technology in Education. 

    Before I switched to English, I was in the FSU-Teach program (before COVID-19), and they let us conduct science lessons to fifth graders. My experience with technology in the field of education comes from this instance, because we used the projector/white board to show them diagrams or write questions out using a online program. It helped the children focus more than sheets of paper where they would get distracted by drawing or dazing off. In another education class I took, I presented a lesson plan about grammar, intended to a sixth grade class, to my peers. Using the projector and short videos helped me explain the material better to my class mates/students.  


For my personal learning network, some of the sources I use are Canvas, Canva, Quizlet, and online textbooks. Occasionally, I will go to Strozier to look at a certain book, but I also love to use the online library database to look up information or textbooks. Some of the personally connections I have is past English and Education teachers, who I can go to for help whenever I need them. I also like to go to the Reading-Writing Center on campus for specific essay and grammar questions. Most of the spaces that I frequent is my sororities personal educational library and study room, my bedroom, or Strozier.  


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